

Invitation to  online Workshop on the Inclusion of People with Disabilities_16.05.24

We are excited to announce our upcoming Online Workshop focusing on inclusion on Thursday May 16th, 2024, from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (Germany Time). This workshop will feature Elisabeth Horlemann, an expert strategist in Antiracism, Intersectionality, and Inclusion, who will lead an engaging discussion on the inclusion of people with disabilities and others facing […]

By amourplace21 | Discrimination . Workshops

Workshop on the Hidden Stories of Black People under the Nazi- Regime_14.05.2024

This workshop is dedicated to the lesser-known life stories of Black people under the Nazi regime. It will take place on May 14, 2024, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Benin & Cameroon Time) on Zoom Meeting. Our speaker, Tahir Della, will accompany us on this important journey into the past to learn, understand, and […]

By amourplace21 | Discrimination . Racism . Workshops

Invitation to « In the name of law and justice?: Perspectives of those affected by police violence on justice »

On April 27, 2024, one year after the incident of police violence against members of the Black Academy, we cordially invite you to come together to learn, understand and grow from our struggle. We offer an atmosphere of dialog and solidarity through various program points. We not only want to report on our struggle, but [...]
By amourplace21 | Discrimination . Racism

Phew of relief at the exhibition « FrauenBilder – FrauenVorbilder: Inspirations from Garango, Burkina Faso

On March 15th, at the Domhof in Ladenburg, the team of the Black Academy was pleased to collaborate with the Landratsamt Rhein-Neckar-Kreis-Stabstelle für Integration und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung, Garangoverein Ladenburg e.V, and the city of Ladenburg to organize an exhibition highlighting female role models from the African continent and their commitment to an egalitarian society. It [...]
By amourplace21 | Discrimination . Racism

Invitation to honour Ante P. on the International Day against Police Violence

WHEN:15 March 2024 at 5pm WHERE: Market square, 68159 Mannheim, Germany CONTACT: Initiative 2. Together with the families and friends of Ante P., Sammy Baker, Mouhamed Lamine Dramé, Hogir Alay and Ertekin Özkan, we lament for the victims of police violence and listen to them. We network with all those affected by police violence and [...]
By juniordev007 | Discrimination . Racism

Invitation to the workshop: Deconstructing racism in the university environment_14.03.24 at 7pm

Dear community, We cordially invite you to our interactive workshop "Deconstructing racism in the university environment", which will take place on 14 March 2024 from 19:00 to 21:00. In this workshop, we will take a cross-sectional look at racism and discuss innovative anti-racist solutions. The interactive lecture will be accompanied by a reflection time and [...]
By juniordev007 | Discrimination . Racism . Workshops

Invitation to join the campaign « Genocide is not time-barred »-05.03.2024 at 5pm

Dear All, Civil society groups from Germany, in close cooperation with Ovaherero and Nama representatives, contributed to putting the genocide on the political agenda in Germany through the "Genocide is not time-barred" campaign, among other things, and to highlighting the need for the negotiations that led to the Joint Declaration. As is now well known, [...]
By amourplace21 | Discrimination

Never again is now! Preserve democracy and diversity!

We Black Academy team support the call "NEVER AGAIN IS NOW - Preserve Democracy and Diversity" and call on our members to participate in large numbers. It is high time that we stand up together for democracy and diversity and call a halt to those who want to return to a vanquished ethnic age with [...]