Colonialism – racism – street names

Colonialism – racism – street names

The Black Academy through its coordinator Nicole Amoussou will have the honor to make contributions to the evening of discussion at the Capitol Mannheim on the theme: A question of dignity: Colonialism – racism – street names on February 28, 2023 at 7 pm.
In cooperation with AK Kolonialgeschichte Mannheim in the framework of the international action week against racism we cordially invite you to this event.
The program includes

  • Input « Process of renaming street names in Rheinau-Süd ».
  • Video: Interviews with citizens of Mannheim about street names
  • In put Dr. Boniface Mabanza Bambu (Southern African Church Office Heidelberg) on « Colonialism – the birth of racism
  • In put by Nicole Amoussou (Black Academy and Meine Welt eV) on « What can the city of Mannheim do to fight racism – generally and structurally -combat? »
  • Discussion of the speakers with the audience
  • Music: Africa against racism and apartheid
    We look forward to seeing you at the Capitol Mannheim

You can click here for the full program of the event.