einander.Aktionstage 2024- Soon it starts!
Mannheim stands for openness, diversity, and an active civil society. A vibrant example of this is the einander.Aktionstage, which this year will be held under the motto « Mannheim Connects. Society Thrives on Togetherness. » From September 27th to October 27th, the Mannheim Alliance for Living Together in Diversity, of which we are a member, once again offers a diverse and engaging program, inviting all Mannheim residents to participate.
As part of the einander.Aktionstage, the Black Academy and adb will host a workshop on « Racial Profiling – Know Your Rights! » on October 23rd, 2024, at 3 PM, at Alphornstraße 2a, 68169 Mannheim. We invite you to mark this date and attend in large numbers. Details of the program will be published on this page shortly.
« The openness and willingness of each of us to approach one another, to learn from each other, to interact respectfully, and to value the human diversity in our city create and strengthen the cohesion that is so indispensable for the future viability of our city, » said Mayor Christian Specht, highlighting the contribution of the einander.Aktionstage to a peaceful and mutually respectful coexistence in Mannheim.
With a total of 75 events, the einander.Aktionstage 2024 invites constructive engagement with key questions of living together: What are the prerequisites for living together in diversity, and where is it already succeeding? What threatens social cohesion and hinders people’s participation?
The program presents a broad range of topics on diversity in our city: In the area of integration, Migrapreneurship showcases the success stories of startups with a migration background.
Here is the link to the online event calendar.
Here you can find the accessible and interactive program booklet.