
Allyship: Solidarity with people experiencing racism & discrimination

Description : Not being affected by a form of discrimination does not exempt us from showing solidarity with those who experience it.

Initiated by MeineWelt e.V in cooperation with the Bund für Soziale Verteidigung as part of the project Stark gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt,this two and a half hour online workshop is aimed at people who want to learn more about the forms of racism and discrimination they do not suffer and who want to act more responsibly and in solidarity with the people affected. It is open to anyone who is concerned with the issues of racism, gender and inclusion.

As part of this series of events, three workshops will be held on the themes of racial discrimination, sexism, disability and solidarity with those affected. The workshops will be held online and in German. We offer translation into english and sign language. 

Workshop 1 : Solidarity with people who experience racism

Colonialism and slavery had a profound impact on the way different groups of people are perceived today. Although these times seem to be part of a distant history, their remnants are still felt today. In particular, non-« white » people are exposed to racism both in everyday life and structurally. 

Facing  this is part of a larger structural struggle against forms of oppression that requires the support of all. Current examples are the reparations against Germany demanded by the Namas & Ovahereros or the demand for the return of cultural goods to Africa. But how can we support all these actions without being directly affected by racism? 


  • Develop strategies and possibilities for action for solidarity with people who are affected by racism in everyday life.
  • Exchange on how to act in concrete situations in order to be an ally of those affected by racism on a daily basis.
  • Strengthening participants’ skills on the topic of racism and its manifestations 
  • Reflection on approaches to developing solidarity in the fight against racism.

The workshop is aimed at people who want to become active as allies of those affected against racism. 

The workshop is conducted by Nicole Amoussou and Tejan Lamboi

Date and time: 1 September, 2022; 6:00pm to 8:30pm German time

Registration at: info@soziale-verteidigung.de is required. 


Workshop 2 : Solidarity with people who experience sexism

Gender, sexism and feminism are concepts that are not new. Especially in Africa, the history of feminism is rich. The pre-colonial past of many African states reveals a strong practice and consideration of gender in daily life. But increasingly is rising the discrimination based on sex or gender, or the belief that men are superior to women.

Through this workshop we will give an introduction to gender, to the different dimensions, ideas and sociological conceptions of gender as a historical and social construction. We will see together how diversity and gender can be brought together to strengthen solidarity against sexism.


  • Strengthening women’s solidarity against cases of gender discrimination they often fall victim to in society.  
  • Exchange of experiences to provide more support in the fight against gender discrimination
  • Providing tools to improve resilience to gender discrimination

The workshop is aimed at people with a migrant background and their supporters who want to discuss  sexism. 

The workshop is conducted by Nicole Amoussou and Tejan Lamboi

Date and time: 14 September; 6:00pm to 8:30pm German time

Registration at: info@soziale-verteidigung.de is required. 


Workshop 3 : Solidarity with people who experience ableism

People with disabilities are often excluded from society. When people with disabilities are migrants, they face multiple exclusions. Some international and national laws and regulations have laid a foundation for inclusion, but in everyday life the challenges have not disappeared. Everyone’s solidarity with people with disabilities is necessary to achieve true inclusion.. 

For this reason, with this workshop we would like to exchange and reflect on the daily solidarity strategies and actions that everyone can develop in their community to be in solidarity with people with a disability. The workshop will enable participants to learn more about disability and change their own (often reduced) perception of people living with a disability.


  • Exchange about the terminology, different forms of disability, inclusion to improve their perception of the issue.  
  • Reflection on daily solidarity strategies that everyone can develop in their own community to support people with disabilities.
  • Exchange of experiences and solidarity that the participants have already experienced.

The workshop is aimed at people with a migrant background and people who work with migrants who are perceived as « disabled ». 

The workshop is conducted by Nicole Amoussou and Tejan Lamboi

Date and time: 6 October 2022; 6:00pm to 8:30pm German time

Registration at: info@soziale-verteidigung.de is required. 

Tags: Allyship, Solidarity

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