

Black Academy Team Celebrates Diversity at « Afrikatage meets Bühne der Vielfalt »

On July 20, 2024, the Black Academy team had the honor of co-organizing the event titled « Afrikatage meets Bühne der Vielfalt » with Eine-Welt-Forum Mannheim e.V. and several other Afro-descendant organizations (Ghana Union Ma-Lu, Bulgarischer Verein, Interkulturelles Haus Mannheim, Algerische Community, Flavors of Africa, Somali Community, Burkina-Aktiv e.V., IKHM/Eritreischer Verein). The event took place at the […]

By amourplace21 | Blog

Ghosts of the Colonial Past: ‘Das leere Grab’ and the Scars of German Colonization in Tanzania

Mannheim, May 17th, The Black Academy team was honoured to co-host a significant screening of the documentary film ‘Das leere Grab’ (The Empty Grave) in collaboration with Cinema Quadrat e.V., Eine-Welt-Forum Mannheim e.V., and AK Kolonialgeschichte Mannheim. This poignant documentary, directed by the German-Tanzanian duo Agnes Lisa Wegner and Cece Mlay, unearths the deep wounds […]

By amourplace21 | Academy . Blog . Development . Education . Workshops

Breaking down barriers for a sustainable future: the importance of including people with disabilities in climate initiatives

by Dylan Mahoussi Houndeton, as part of the AVOUALI project ''Inclusion in times of climate crisis'' initiated by MeineWelt e.V. with financial support from Aktion MENSCH The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. It is caused by climate change, which occurs when human activities release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. [...]
By juniordev007 | Blog . Discrimination

The climate crisis and disability: issues and approaches to solutions

How climate change affects people with disabilities the most ? The global climate crisis is leading to more and more heatwaves, droughts, stronger storms and floods, which affected more than 35 million people  in 2018 and forced two million to flee their homes. These natural disasters often lead to social disasters, such as the destruction [...]
By juniordev007 | Blog . Discrimination

Colonial continuity and agricultural development: modes of action and challenges

Hello dear Internet users. We all know the extent to which colonialism has devastated our continent, but above all the extent to which its impact is still present in the daily lives of us Afro-descendants and has even affected our food for centuries now. What remains astonishing is that despite the development aid and support [...]
By juniordev007 | Academy . Blog . Workshops

Today, 02.05, the “Initiative 2. Mai” organizes a demonstration in memory of a person who died a year ago due to police violence.

Dear community, Since the appalling events that took place on the 27th of April 2023 against some of our African guests, many of you have been showing continuous support. We are sincerely touched by this. This gives us even more strength to say no to this injustice done to Black and Afro-descendant people for decades. [...]