Colonial continuity and agricultural development: modes of action and challenges

Colonial continuity and agricultural development: modes of action and challenges

Hello dear Internet users.
We all know the extent to which colonialism has devastated our continent, but above all the extent to which its impact is still present in the daily lives of us Afro-descendants and has even affected our food for centuries now. What remains astonishing is that despite the development aid and support provided by the countries of the North, the same problems persist and are becoming even worse. We need to think critically about this support.
It is with this in mind that the Académie Noire, in partnership with Einewelt e.V and the City of Mannheim, is organising an interactive online workshop on the theme of « Colonial continuity and agricultural development: modes of action and challenges ». The aim of this workshop will be to examine agricultural development aid with a critical eye to the aspects of development cooperation, power structures and land grabbing by multinational companies.
It will take place on 31 August 2023 from 5pm (German time) on Zoom.
We invite you to take part by registering in advance at
We look forward to welcoming you soon.