Gender diversity and anti-racism

Gender diversity and anti-racism

Dear interested persons,

The Black Academy warmly invite you to their upcoming workshop on topic “Gender Diversity and Anti-Racism” which will take place on 13th October 2023 from 15:00 to 18:30 o’clock in room 505 at the Mannheimer Abendakademie (U1 16-19, 68161 Mannheim).

What’s it about?

Humankind is diverse and everyone should have the same rights to participation – no matter what background or personal orientation. The question, if and how this right is protected and how diversity is ensured, is also a question of one’s own identity and position in society.

Many professionals and committed people advocate for gend er diversity. However, there are still many uncertainties around terms such as LGBTIAQ*, non-binary, queerphobia,…. Experience shows that this challenge stems from insecurity, fear of making « mistakes » or lack of time for learning and development. Just like racism, discrimination and hostility against people based on their gender identity has a colonial origin. It is often mistakenly assumed that openness to queer people developed in the so-called West (Europe, North America) and that BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) communities have always and fundamentally discriminated against people from queer communities.

Our workshop will focus on this connection between gender diversity and anti-racism. Based on inputs and interactive sequences from guest Dahlia Al Nakeeb, a speaker on the topics of anti-racism, queerness and body politics, the participants will engage with this content. As a trainer, Dahlia advises, trains and accompanies teams or organisations and supports the development of diversity-oriented structures. During the workshop, Dahlia will share their many years of experience in interactive counselling and educational work with us.

Participation is free of charge and refreshments will be provided. Due to the limited number of places, binding registration is required by 10 October at:

Further information:

We look forward to your participation.