Invitation to the final event TWIN YOUR DIVERSITY-24.08.24 at 1pm

 Invitation to the final event TWIN YOUR DIVERSITY-24.08.24 at 1pm


Appreciating and promoting diversity is a source of innovation!

As part of the Council of Europe Congress Young Delegates Project, the Black Academy team in cooperation with its partners invites you to the final event which will take place on 24 August 2024 at 1pm at Kunsthalle Friedrichsplatz 4, 68165 Mannheim.

What can you expect?

– Discover projects 

– Immerse yourself in the results developed by the project partners 

– Meet the innovators: Get to know the twins behind the projects and discover their inspiring stories.

Don’t miss the chance to get inspired and be part of a movement that promotes innovation through diversity!

Free admission

The « Twin Your Diversity » project aims to create something that showcases the diversity of each randomly assigned pair of project partners. The event includes presentations by the project partners as well as interactions between them.