Dr Boniface MABANZA
He is a trainer in development policy, anti-racism for various institutions.
Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo during Mobutu’s military dictatorship. He studied philosophy, literature and theology in Kinshasa and completed his doctorate at the University of Münster on the subject of « Justice can only exist for all ». The critique of globalisation from an African perspective », and training in conflict management at the Academy for Conflict Transformation in Bonn. Since 2008, he has been coordinator of the Church Office for Southern Africa at the Heidelberg Economics Workshop, focusing on trade policy, commodity policy and globalisation. He is a trainer in development policy and anti-racism for various institutions. He is active in numerous African diaspora networks in Germany and Europe. He has published numerous articles on various subjects relating to Africa. He has been a visiting professor at Frankfurt’s Goethe University and is a member of the national commission on the causes of flight.