Catheline.N BOSIBORI

Catheline.N BOSIBORI

professor & Jury Member of the Creative Contest

Catheline Bosibori is a Kenyan Ph.D. student in the department of African  History at Bayreuth University.

Catheline BOSIBORI is a Kenyan Ph.D. student in the department of African  History at Bayreuth University. She is also BIGSAS junior fellow since  November 2020. She is an accredited member of FemWise Africa and a full  member of the Women Educational Researchers of Kenya (WERK). Catheline’s  interests are African History, focusing on women, violence, security, and  terrorism in East Africa. Her Ph.D. topic is « Women Fighters in Kenya; 1952- 

2019″. Catheline holds a master’s degree in History (Hons) from Kenyatta  University; and a bachelor’s degree in education (History and CRE) from the  same institution–valedictorian student class of July 2014.  

As part of her professional experience, she has worked in different capacities:  Speaker KAAD African Parliament (2021 to date), BIGSAS Junior fellow  representatives Winter semester (2021/2022), Program manager Eastern African  youth Empowerment forums for Peace and Security (2021 to date) research  assistant under RECSA in collaboration with Hekima Institute of Peace Studies  and International Relations (2015/2016), Lecturer at Kiriri Women University of Science and Technology, Kenya (2018-2019), a Graduate Assistant at Kenyatta,  Kenya University (2015-2017).  

Catheline has presented at several conferences, including; 

May 2022: violated freedom from slavery: the experiences of Kenyan women  Casual workers in the Gulf at the International Conference on Human Rights and  Human Dignity (ICHRHD-22), Vatican, Italy. 

March 2022: Barring African Solutions to Africa’s Conflicts: International Court  of Justice (ICJ) In Kenya and Somalia Maritime Boundary Dispute, at The  African epistemologies conference organized by Yale Macmillan Centre Council  of African Studies, USA.  

June 2021: Terrorism and Violence: Kenya’s Decolonization Movements in  Challenging the Intrinsic Vulnerability of Women in War, at the African Studies  Association in Germany (VAD e.V.) organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary  African Studies (ZIAF) at Goethe University, virtually.  

Catheline’s recent publications include. 

BOSIBORI, C. N. (2022). The ‘Male Gaze’ of Security: A Case of the Military  Service in Kenya. Journal of Theology, Governance and Peace Studies, (63) 143- 156

BOSIBORI, C. N. (2022). Women Terrorists and Violent Actors in the Lens of the  Media in Kenya: 1980-2019. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies,  5(1), 8-21. 

BOSIBORI, C. N. (2021). The Men Watching Our Borders’: The Evolution,  Identity, and Tenacity of Chinkororo in Gusii, Kenya. Les Cahiers d’Afrique de  l’Est/The East African Review, (56). 

BOSIBORI, C, N. (2021). Mekatilili Wa Menza: Beyond Gender to Age and Status  in Kenya’s Primary Resistance to Colonial Rule. Africa in Global History,  University of Bayreuth, Germany.


ID Course Name Duration Start Date
Precolonial History of Africa From the 15 September 2022 to the 05 October 2022 septembre 15, 2022