Speak with your own voice

Nicole Amoussou has founded the Black Academy. She wants to make knowledge accessible that was previously hidden. Let’s hear what she has to say in this interview.

25 years of legal proceedings, but justice was served

Thirty-five years after his death, the memory of this assassination remains fresh in everyone’s mind. Today, thanks to the relentless fight and perseverance of his wife Mariam SANKARA and his lawyers, justice is being done.

Africa must unite

Released at the time of the Pan-African conference in Addis Ababa last May, this work is the first in which an African head of state sets out his views on the evolution of the black continent.

Queer activism in Kenya – « speak truth to power! »

Queer feminism allows us to understand that patriarchy harms all of us and only an intersectional approach enables collective liberation and working together in solidarity. Queer resistance can also be fun – and sometimes a dandy outfit is enough to make patriarchy shake. We talked to Yvee Oduor about activism and mobilization of genderqueer people in Kenya.

Black Academy: Against Discrimination

The Black Academy will help position issues of decolonization, discrimination, Afrofeminism, racism, and colonial culture of memory in society.

Meet Valerie Thomas

Learn more about Valerie Thomas, the black inventor and scientist who launched the longest-running satellite program imaging Earth’s surface.

Does an African-style feminism exist?

Feminism, understood as the fight against discrimination against women, is an ancient concept in Africa. Long before what the literature calls “the first feminist wave” and which corresponds to the recognition of some rights, notably the right to vote for Western women in the 19th and 20th centuries, many African societies had already granted a real place of choice to women.

What if we talk about social games before technology and digital? Let’s start with Africa and particularly Benin

We should especially recognise that in Benin and in Africa, before the advent of electronic games, African children used to gather around several games that were very constructive, educational and especially very socializing: words that describe our Africa so well.

Why we need to protect local languages?

The favourisation of a few languages inevitably leads to the loss of local languages. For a lot of people there is no more necessity to teach their children their local languages.

At the school of inspiring personalities of their community: The Black Academy was there.

With a regard to the perspectives of people from the global South, participants were given the opportunity to hear about the Black Academy

An intersectional culture of memory for a more equitable remembrance.

No one is really on the right side of history, every oppressed group hides another.