Summer School "Afrika in Bewegung“

Africa on the Move: Diaspora, Mobility, Migration, languages, culture and economy - Exploring transnational political, economic linguistic and cultural biographies across disciplines


août 2, 2022 - 2:25 pm


août 2, 2022 - 2:55 am

MeineWelt e.V. is a member of the partners of theSummer School at the University of Mannheim. In this context Nicole Amoussou,will present the Black Academy on 02.08.2022 at 14:25 during the 2022 edition of the SummerSchool « Afrika in Bewegung ».
As a reminder, Summer School « Afrika in Bewegung » is an intensive one-week summer program organized and led by two doctoral students of the University of Mannheim. The program provides a platform for a transdisciplinary exchange that aims to facilitate the dialogue between science and society. Students and participants have the opportunity to  approach the topic of migration from different perspectives. The theme of the summer school is « Africa on the Move: Diaspora, Mobility, Migration, languages, culture and economy – Exploring transnational political, economic linguistic and cultural biographies across disciplines ». Click here for the official program.