Author: juniordev007


Invitation to honour Ante P. on the International Day against Police Violence

WHEN:15 March 2024 at 5pm WHERE: Market square, 68159 Mannheim, Germany CONTACT: Initiative 2. Together with the families and friends of Ante P., Sammy Baker, Mouhamed Lamine Dramé, Hogir Alay and Ertekin Özkan, we lament for the victims of police violence and listen to them. We network with all those affected by police violence and [...]
By juniordev007 | Discrimination . Racism

Invitation to the workshop: Deconstructing racism in the university environment_14.03.24 at 7pm

Dear community, We cordially invite you to our interactive workshop "Deconstructing racism in the university environment", which will take place on 14 March 2024 from 19:00 to 21:00. In this workshop, we will take a cross-sectional look at racism and discuss innovative anti-racist solutions. The interactive lecture will be accompanied by a reflection time and [...]
By juniordev007 | Discrimination . Racism . Workshops

Digital inclusion for all in climate action

par Dylan Mahoussi Houndeton, dans le cadre du projet AVOUALI ‘’Inclusion en temps de crise climatique’’ initié par MeineWelt e.V. avec le soutien financier de  Aktion MENSCH What is climate action? And how can digital and inclusion go hand in hand to combat climate change? Climate action is a set of measures aimed at reducing [...]
By juniordev007 | Academy . Africa . Development . Digital . Workshops

Climate change and people with disabilities: societal obligations for an inclusive world

By Komlan Julien Kpedji and Abdoul Boukari, as part of the AVOUALI project ''Inclusion in time of climate crisis'' initiated by MeineWelt e.V. with financial support from Aktion MENSCH In all societies, people with disabilities remain among the most marginalized. While the international human rights framework has led to dramatic improvements in living conditions around [...]
By juniordev007 | Development . Discrimination

Breaking down barriers for a sustainable future: the importance of including people with disabilities in climate initiatives

by Dylan Mahoussi Houndeton, as part of the AVOUALI project ''Inclusion in times of climate crisis'' initiated by MeineWelt e.V. with financial support from Aktion MENSCH The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. It is caused by climate change, which occurs when human activities release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. [...]
By juniordev007 | Blog . Discrimination

The climate crisis and disability: issues and approaches to solutions

How climate change affects people with disabilities the most ? The global climate crisis is leading to more and more heatwaves, droughts, stronger storms and floods, which affected more than 35 million people  in 2018 and forced two million to flee their homes. These natural disasters often lead to social disasters, such as the destruction [...]
By juniordev007 | Blog . Discrimination

Remerciement des participants à l’exhibition & échange autour des personnalités Noires inspirantes

Cher(e) participant(e) ...., L'équipe de la Black Academy et ses partenaires profitent de ce mail pour vous adresser leurs plus vifs remerciements pour votre disponibilité, votre engagement et votre brillante participation à l'exposition et aux échanges sur les personnalités noires de samedi dernier. Votre présence ainsi que vos échanges interactifs ont largement contribué au succès [...]
By juniordev007 | Workshops

The Winners Submission of the Creative Contest 2023

The Black Academy team, in particular the ASA Team 2023, organised the third Creative Contest during their time as interns at PLACE For Africa and the Black Academy.  The theme of this year's contest was "Sò-remembering forward".  The whole world uses art, technology, scientific innovations, social and political concepts whose origins are in Africa without [...]
By juniordev007 | Academy . Creative Contest